Sorted Electrical respects and commits to protecting the private information of all website users and clients. We aim to comply with the following guidelines both within this website and throughout the delivery of our day-to-day service.
- Clear, accurate, complete and timely communications that use plain language and are presented in a format that conveys the information effectively
- Confidentiality of information
- Honest, competent and ethical conduct that complies & exceeds regulatory standards
- Objective service based on informed analysis, prudent judgement and diligent effort
- An explanation of all fees and costs charged to the client
- The financial interests of the client taking precedence over those of the professional and the organisation
- Disclosure of any existing or potential conflicts of interest in providing products or services to the client
- Appropriate and complete records to support the work done on the client’s behalf
- Understanding of the client’s circumstances, so that service is suitable and based on client’s financial objectives and constraints