If you have decided to take advantage of the rising popularity of electric vehicles (EVs), an electric car charger for home use is a hand in hand investment. Those who don’t go about installing EV chargers at home will find it difficult to leverage the full value of owning an EV.
EV charger installation is complex and responsible for servicing an expensive asset. It is therefore highly recommended that you procure the services of an experienced and licensed electrician who is familiar with the process, as this will ensure it is done correctly to facilitate safe and effective charging.
In this guide, we’ll take a look at the EV charging installation process and help you understand what it entails.

What Does EV Charger Installation Entail?
The first step in EV charger installation is ensuring that you select the right type of charger. There are two main types of EV chargers available for home use, namely Level 1 and Level 2 EV chargers. Whether you choose a Level 1 or a Level 2 charger depends on what type of EV you own and how quickly you want to charge it.
The second step is to carry out a site assessment so that the best location for your charger can be determined. Factors that need to be considered include the proximity of the charger to your vehicle’s parking bay and whether or not your home has the necessary available electrical capacity.
For example, a Level 2 charger will need an electrical system capable of handling the increased load. If your electrical system is not spec’d for the Level 2 charger, then a system upgrade might be needed.
This could involve an upgrade to a three-phase power switchboard, which is a fairly complex process that must be carried out by a certified electrician.
Three-phase power is needed because Level 2 chargers draw more electricity than standard single-phase power electrical circuits can provide. As such, additional electrical infrastructure is required to ensure that charging is safe and efficient.
Once these processes have been carried out, the installation of the charger itself can be executed. Your electrician will need to run the necessary electrical wiring from the switchboard to the charger, ensuring that all connections meet safety regulations.
Thereafter, a Certificate of Testing and Compliance (CTC) inspection will ensure the installation and any upgrades to your electrical system are compliant with Australian safety standards and regulations.
The certification process involves testing to confirm that everything is working correctly and safely. This step is crucial, as a CTC is necessary for both safety and insurance purposes.

The Difference Between Level 1 and Level 2 EV Chargers
Level 1 chargers are more affordable and can be plugged into standard household power points. These chargers deliver about 2.3 kW of electricity to charge your vehicle.
This is sufficient for most hybrid vehicles, as they don’t require as much energy as fully electric vehicles. However, the limited power output of a Level 1 charger means that it can take as much as 24 hours or even more to fully charge an EV. This makes it an impractical choice for fully electric vehicles.
On the other hand, a Level 1 charger can serve as a useful backup for emergency EV charging should your Level 2 charger fail. Level 1 chargers are also portable and can be taken on the road, allowing you to charge at the office or your hotel.
Level 2 chargers are the preferred choice for fully electric vehicles, as they can deliver between 7 kW and 22 kW of power, facilitating a much faster charging cycle. These chargers are best suited for fully electric vehicles that are used frequently and, therefore, require faster charging times.
The exact charging time of a Level 2 charger might differ depending on the charger’s power output and the vehicle’s battery. Generally speaking, the charging time will range from about four to eight hours.
The crucial thing is that Level 2 chargers require dedicated power and three-phase power infrastructure to ensure the increased load doesn’t trip the home’s circuits.
EV Charging Station Safety
While EV chargers in the home are convenient, they need to be safe. Safety is of primary concern, especially when dealing with Level 2 chargers, because they draw a large amount of power.
To ensure effective load management, Level 2 chargers require a dedicated circuit to ensure that the home’s electrical system doesn’t get overloaded. Should the system become overloaded, circuit breakers can trip, and in the worst-case scenario, electrical fires could break out.
Level 2 chargers also require three-phase power, especially higher-powered 22 kW Level 2 chargers, to ensure that the system can handle the energy demands without causing strain on the rest of the household’s electrical circuits.
Another crucial aspect to consider is weatherproofing and proper placement. It’s generally not advisable to install your EV charger outdoors unless it is properly weatherproofed and covered, which can be an expensive and complex process.
Generally, it’s recommended that the EV charger be placed inside the garage where it is protected.
Either way, the charger and all of its connections must be thoroughly weatherproofed to prevent exposure to moisture or extreme temperatures and to ensure that short circuits and electrical failures don’t occur

Why Professional Installation Is Important
A Level 2 charger needs to be installed by a professional because it must meet Australian electrical codes and be issued with a Certificate of Testing and Compliance. This can only be done through a certified electrician. Many EV chargers also come with warranties that are dependent on professional installation. If you attempt to do the installation yourself, you run the risk of voiding your warranty, which could leave you responsible for repairs should there be a problem.
Hiring these professionals eliminates safety hazards and protects you and your home from things like electrical fires. You want to protect your investments—home and vehicle. An incorrectly installed charger could even damage your EV’s battery.
When a licensed electrician sets up your EV charger, you are guaranteed that the wiring, breakers and connections are all properly installed and safe to use. You’ll also benefit from maximum efficiency in your charger’s operation.
If you want to install an electric car charger for home use, contact Sorted Electrical today. We are experts at installing EV chargers and have all the necessary certifications and licensing to ensure your investment is dealt with with the utmost care and professionalism.